Anyway, I have just retried registering and it was successful, which is why I am now very honored to be able to post this link to my as of now blank Technorati Profile!
(I had to post the link in order for them to verify that I owned the blog.)
Now that that's out of the way, in my last post, I mentioned the very real possibility of nuclear holocaust. It may be just a coincidence, or some sort of subconcious expression of the effect that watching Nicholas Cage's latest film, "Kno
wing," (which was a piece of sh*t, by the way) has had on me. Either way, I have been having thoughts and dreams of nuclear holocaust (by the way, in case you couldn't tell, this is a picture depicting about the maximum range that Iran's new nukes could reach), all of which, for some reason, seem to involve me quickly making a post to this blog along the lines of, "The missiles are about to hit the Northeast. They've sounded the alert sirens. I don't know how much more time I have, but rest assured, I will keep you updated and I will fight the cancer, heat, cellular degeneration, radiation poison and disintegration until the bitter end. F*ck the bastards that came and sh*t on the American way of life! Solomon out."

Then, just as the missile is about to hit, I fold up my laptop, stand erect with a steely glint in my eye, and begin to run away from the missile, escaping just in time in one of those action movie explosion escapes (you know what I'm talking about. The hero just barely makes it out from the exploding vehicle, house, secret lab or other threatening structure, and is pushed to the ground by the explosion's shockwave, but gets up with nary a scratch, cut or bruise), then I run somewhere with free, unrestricted internet access and continue blogging until the end of the world. And you know my last word is "This is Solomon. Goodbye," and I click Publish just as the missile hits and I die a martyr for a now extinct civilization.
Yes, I know how implausible that is. Yes, I know the destructive power of nukes. Yes, I would not have time to escape the shockwave, and if I do manage, by a miracle, to evade the epicenter in the fashion that I have described, I would have massive radiation burns and likely be in too much pain to do anything.
But it's a cool scenario, isn't it?
I also know that the likelihood of Iran setting off a nuclear war is extremely low, since the President knows that massive retaliation would be swiftly forthcoming and very possibly fatal for all of Iran. He might even set of a nuclear world war, which no one wants. This is why nuclear weapons are used more a bargaining chips in the international game of diplomacy, along the lines of countries with nukes saying to the nukeless, "Send us money or we bomb you to the Stone Age."
Or something like that.
But even though I am aware of this fact, or have rationalized it through a brief consideration of the problem, the presence of nukes still worries me, especially with the recent apparent glut of news stories about small, US-hostile nations building and launching nuclear weapons tests.
And if I'm the only one, I might as well cede control of this blog to my brother and turn myself into a crazy bin.
Which I won't do, because Mr. Obama apparently shares my views. You all know about how he wants to abolish some nukes (if you were able to find my small, relatively obscure blog, you know about current events), and how no one else thinks it is really feasible or rational (oddly enough, suggesting the disposal of a few slightly volatile substances is not rational) to do so.
I am hardly in a position to suggest a plan to make Mr. Obama's dream a reality, nor do I believe myself capable of fulfilling such a momentous task, but I do think that it is somewhat feasible, and in fact, necessary. I use this analogy: Do you really need 7,600* bullets when you can kill just as effectively with just one or two? The problem worsens when it is revealed the the bullets are highly volatile and need constant care.
Think about it.
*Number of warheads in the US arsenal as of November 2002, according to the website
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