Monday, May 25, 2009

H1N1(Swine Flu!): Overhyped?

As you all know, (unless you've been living under a rock for the past three months, as usual) there's this little thing called swine flu going around, and people are getting a little worked up about it.

Now, before I continue, I want to say that I've been on a camping trip this weekend and I couldn't post. Also, I think that I might have had swine flu or something, but I'm better now.

And now it has been three days since I started this post, and I haven't worked on it except to mention that I had swine flu, but I'm better now. Nor do I feel any compunction to finish what was planned to be a citation heavy post on the over-hyping of swine flu, so I'll just say: Swine flu is over-hyped.

Get over it.

Oh, and the CDC and the various new agencies? Stop inciting panic. No one needs to panic more than they already do. We get enough panic everyday. We need some panic-tan lotion, but seeing as that is unlikely, everybody should limit their exposure to panic-causing substances, like panicky news reports of the antibiotic-resistant bacterium-fueled apocalypse. If you really want us to panic, tell us more about the sh*tty economy, or Iraq (haven't heard much about that lately . . .) or something f*cking important, not this ridiculous sh*t about this dumb*ss, overpublicized media scare.

I'm going to eat dinner, then I'm going to bed.

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