Stop me if you've heard this before.
I believe that the meaning of life is to make babies.
There is no high, lofty, philosophical, overaching meaning. The only meaning, the only point is to produce more like animals, a task at which humans excel. The object of any species is to produce more members of the species, to pass on your genetic information, and to survive long enough to breed enough offspring to be able to ensure the continuation of your line into future generations.
Everything any organism (including us) does is done either to appear more appealing to members of the opposite sex, or to ensure the survival and increase the reproductive ability of its offspring. Yeah, like that new car? Bet that could help you pick up some young, college students (if you wanted to and weren't married). Taking your kids to Europe? That makes them cultured and cultured people are attractive. Even being disaffected and disillusioned with life is appealing to some people. Homosexuality in men is very appealing to some women (as several men have learned over the years, myself included). Bisexuality is this theory taken to the extreme (Argue with that!). You try to enter a sexual relationship with members of both genders. If that doesn't sound like trying to spread your genes, I don't know what does.
Some people argue that, "Our need to procreate is going to supercede our need to write a concerto, however, once that need to reproduce has been fulfilled, and let's face it, in the West that means two or three kids on average, we do need to self-actualize. I think that the sex is a building block upon which one of the main points to life is built; the need to self-actualize." (Thank you Dar Krum, from the forums) But one could argue, (and I am) that writing the concerto in question is another way to attract a mate, for lack of a better word.
Let me put it another way. Long ago, there was a caveman. He wasn't the alpha-caveman, who got to f*ck all of the new cavewomen that came into the cave, so he was just sitting there. He was extremely bored, so he began to beat on a rock with a stick and made a sound that he liked. He kept on doing it and soon enough, some cavewomen came over to him and they had a massive orgy.
Ok, maybe it didn't happen exactly like that, but the main point is the same. Some guy did something really cool (like music) that made women love him and gave him the ability to disseminate his genes that contained the ability to make music. (Before we go on much further, I'm focusing on the male for two reasons: I'm a guy, and guys will always seek out girls. It doesn't really go the other way. I mean, it can, but not very often, even in this age of liberated feminists. Anyway . . .)
A modern example of this phenomena is the Jonas Brothers band. This group has many, many, many, many, many young teenage fans who would gladly have children with them, if not for the fact that they tend to congregate in numbers that require the Jonas Brothers to have security guards in case the fangirls accidentally harm the brothers, and the brothers' purity rings. This band has created a sound that some find appealing, and they identify this sound with the brothers, instead of recognizing that the sound is created by the band in order to make money, or because they enjoy it, as they claim. The Jonases also emulate homosexual fashion, as evidenced in this photo, and as I mentioned earlier, homosexuality, sincere or feigned, happens to attract members of the opposite sex, whether one intends to or not.
But regardless of whether the Jonas brothers know of the power that their style and music has to attract women, (probably not, but I bet that their stylist does) it doess exist. Those with a talent, or something that makes them stand out from the crowd are, and will always be, attractive. If you are able to do something, act different, (in a positive way, not oddly) or just look different, then people will gravitate towards you, and you will be able to select a mate from this cult of personality that you have inadvertantly created. You may fool yourself into thinking that you are only doing this because you enjoy it, but your brain chemistry is forcing you to do this so that you may reproduce your genes, and propagate.
So continue to do your thing, whether it be sing, play an instrument, write, make others laugh, be a pleasant, uplifitng person to be around, flirt, or all of the above (and if so, you will be/are very successful in life), because by doing this or these, you will fulfill the meaning of life.
Think about it.
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