Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#73: Online Certification

Guess what?

AllExperts.com has certified me as an expert. I got an email today saying, and I quote (obviously, since I have little quotation marks around what I'm about to say), "Congratulations! You have been accepted as a Volunteer Expert in category Internet Media."

Yay me.

Just kidding. I am actually so happy to have my "padded" resume accepted and be seen as fit enough to qualify me as a expert in something. I might actually do this sort of thing more often if I can get qualifications out of it.

Yeah. Nice.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

#72: Avoider With a Smile

I can't bring myself to give this up completely and give up a large part of the last three years, so I will continue to write here. And I also wanted to tell you guys that the game that I have spent somewhat less than thirty days working on is available exclusively here. Also, I challenge you to beat 9000 points.

So, go on, play Avoider With A Smile. And by the way, the title is my sad attempt to differentiate myself from the plethora of Flash games that are already out there.

So anyway, see you around.

Friday, September 11, 2009

#71: Actually, why not? The Meaning of Life (Part 2)

For various reasons, I have been reading a book called Why Men Cheat and one of the reasons that this book, (written by a woman) gives for why we cheat is because it is part of our nature to spread our seed to as many places as we can.

Remember how I said that the meaning of life is to make babies?

That's why we cheat. Because it gives us a better chance of someone, somewhere having our babies and passing down our genes to the next generation and thus validiating survival of the fittest and furthering the evolution of homo sapiens. However, civilization has severely curtailed human development and evolution. Any creatures that might have wanted to prey on us we are able to kill with a few shots from a rifle or gun, which means that for us, the fittest is the one with the gun, and not necessarily the most truly fit. No disease that currently exists is able to wipe out the human race (sure, swine flu was scary a while back, but most of the people who were going to get killed by it are already dead or very near to it). And anyone can find someone who will have their kids. Even if a person is so unattractive that this is not true, there are sperm and egg banks, so their genetic material can still be passed down.

So what now? Is this the pinnacle of evolution? Are we destined to have a small segment of the population finding ways for us to passively waste away the rapidly increasing amounts of our free time, in front of ever larger and more advanced versions of computers and televisions? Are we doomed to spend the rest of our collective time on Earth going to parties, f*cking whomever we damn well please, and getting drunk and high (another passive event)?

Hopefully, yes, because at this point, the only active activity that we engage in on a regular basis is war. The only downside to the above lifestyle is that we are going to be the only ones taking part, and we will probably get bombed. But we've had a good long run, over two hundred years, and we've shaped the world to be what it is today. So in the end, can we really complain if we go down?

#70: Still Waters Run Deep

...but dry river runs not at all.

Sorry folks. I have little to talk about. Somebody incoherently explained to me how the United States is like a cow, which sounds interesting in theory, but the way he explained it made no sense to me. So tomorrow, I'll have something for you.

Monday, September 7, 2009

#69: So I Have Nothing Much To Talk About Today . . .

. . . But that doesn't mean that I'll stop from trying.

I said that I would give you at least three posts a week and I am trying to live up to that.

The hard part is finding things to write about right now. I haven't really read or done anything

noteworthy that I can recall. Actually, you know what? I just saw Obama's speech, a transcript of which is available here, in case you missed it, or you want to read it. I liked it, (and yes, I am a Democrat), and I've heard the controversy over it, and I have to say, the people who are opposed to schools showing the speech shouldn't have been against the content of the address itself, because he talked of things that we should all be in favor of, like staying in school, working hard, not committing murder, etc. Nice, harmless, platonic, peaceful things.

I think that the people who protested the showing of the speech were more against the man being shown in the schools, which just proves how people can let their bigotry, ignorance and dislike get in the way of solving problems. FOr those of us who wonder why we can't get things done, here is the answer.

And I though that I wasn't going to be able to write anything.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

#68: Found this interesting blog

So I was doing my internet thing, searching and reading and gaming and Facebooking when I noticed that a person has decided to follow me. So I checked the blog out and saw that it was really intersting. It's by this girl named Desiree and I really think that it will take off, moreso than mine has, anyway. It's being done as a part of a school project, but I hope that she will keep doing it, even after the school year starts. So you should check it out. It's here. Enjoy.