saw this -> pile of money on the floor, he/she would probably start foaming at the mouth and fling herself on top of it, like that lottery commercial where the money falls from the sky and everyone rushes for it. I mean, yeah, it pays the bills, but still, there's no need to start acting like you're a penniless orphan who's never seen a dollar bill before. I think that's part of the reason that reality shows are so popular, because you get to see the extent people are willing to go to for money, even though you'd do the same thing.
But why? Why are we so obsessed with little green pieces of paper, or rather, really f*cking thin cloth? Why do we risk bodily harm for the aforementioned little pieces of paper? Because, since birth, we have been brainwashed with the idea that those little green pieces of cloth are the most important things in the world, and they are, because everyone believes they are. And when every single person in the world believes something, then that thing becomes a fact and try as one might, one cannot change it.
But is this the best way? Couldn't life operate on bartering for services, "I pull your tooth, you fix my roof?" No, we couldn't. Services have different values and unless one has tried his or her hand at both services involved, one usually thinks that his or her trade is the more difficult and thus worth more. So the bartering could extend until the need has passed or become so severe that it has exceeded the capabilities of the original parties and requires specialists.
Money is quite an integral part of our society and will be for the forseeable future, although why it must be so all-consuming is beyond me. So then, a return to the classic sign-off, and a suggestion: Think about it.