Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No, I Have Not Forgotten

Ok, hello all. Apologies for the ridiculously long post before, as well as the gap in between postings, but the length of that post, as well as it's being written in my blogging notebook (bad idea. My handwriting is atrocious and the notebook seems to inspire me to write longer posts, so the Michael Jackson Memoriam was a two and a half page long illegible muddle. And every time I opened the notebook to try and complete the post, I grew a headache).

By the way, before I get into what I was going to write about, I wanted to say that I have not forgotten about Dogs of Wrath, The (I am going to change the title). I will continue to post sections, but my life is kind of busy right now. Got back from a two week vacation, where I was essentially cut off from the Internet, and on Saturday, I'm going out west for two weeks, so I don't know what the Internet status will be. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to post, etc. And for those of you who have checked my profile recently, I have another blog, where I am going to be creating this sort of world. Hope to develop it into a novel eventually, and I might actually do that for NaNoWriMo.

Which brings me to what I wanted to write about. I am considering doing a two character novel about a world in which God disappears (idea came to me in the shower, so don't knock it) and I think it might actually be workable. It allows me to fix the sixth degree and another project I was working on, and helps me to actually have CHAPTERS! Instead of the two 35 page long blocks of text that is currently DOWT. (I like the sound of that. DOWT. And it's a homophone. It fits.)

So what do you guys think? Can I do it, the God thing? Comment or something, but I'm probably going to do it anyway, so whatever. Encourage me then, or offer ideas on what happens afterward, because THAT I don't have. Right now I have about five pages of exposition, a page or two of God's appearance, page of God speaking to the world and then he vanishes and a page of the world's reaction. How can I make this a book?

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