Saturday, November 8, 2008

Congratuations, Barack Obama

First things first.
Well, Barack, here is your belated congratuations from myself. I know that this race was hard for you and I am very glad that you've won. But now, everything will get harder. You are the President Elect of the United States of America, (as if you didn't know that already) and come January 20, the real work begins.

You are taking control of a country that has lost a lot. It has lost much of the respect of many other countries. It has lost many young lives in a pointless and seemingly endless war, and it has lost many jobs due to outsourcing by companies that only care about the bottom line. This country, while it still may be the "greatest country in the world," is for the first time in fifty years facing competion for that highly coveted position.

You ran on a platform of change, Change We Can Believe In, was your slogan. We have no doubt that you will change things. But is it drastic change or subtle change? Is it change for the better or change for the worse? We will soon find out.

You have won the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama. You are, as they say, the leader of the free world. So what how will you use your power? Will you be a great and memorable President, like FDR or Lincoln? Will you be a forgetable President, like Buchanon, or Taylor? Will you be a scapegoat President, like Hoover, or a truly horrible President, like Johnson. It's all up to you. You have a great legacy to live up to and very big shoes to fill. Let's hope you're up to the challenge.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

W: A Movie About Our 43rd President

On Saturday, I went to see the movie W. by Oliver Stone. Som2e people probably think that it's way too soon to make a movie about the possibly most, for lack of a better word, disliked man in modern times, but I think that it came out at the perfet time, with the elections coming up on Tuesday. (Does anybody else feel like just yesterday it was just Super Tuesday?) So, anyway, the movie was really good. It depicted Bush as a guy who was just trying to enjoy himself and live up to the expectations of his father. I mean, it really made you pity him. (And I pitied the bastard already, because during his administration, the world pretty much went to sh*t through no fault of his own. Then it got f*cked even harder because he made sh*tty decisions.)

So, anyway, all of you should go and see the movie. If you hate the *sshole, then go see it, because hate ain't good. If you love him, then go see it, because you were probably going to see it anyway. And if you care neither one way nor the other, then go see that sh*t right f*cking now. It gives you some insight into why the world is sh*t and why the issues that Obama and McCain are arguing over are important. And on Tuesday, the next four years will be decided, so you should give a damn about what's going on. See the movie. It can't hurt. And if it does, it's not my fault.